GE-visIci 24-25: I live in Geneva

GE-visIci 24-25: I live in Geneva

Practice different sports! Climb! Make friends! Discover other cultures! And learn French at the same time!

Join this third edition of this absolutely innovative program that is fine tuned and improved to best match your expectations!

The Tchili Easy Learning team brings its innovative approach to learning through sport to this exceptional program!

What’s in the program ?

  • Weekly climbing lesson,
  • Discovery and practice of other sporting activities 1 Saturday per month,
  • Day camps with overnight stays in cabins or bivouacs during the vacations.
  • Plus, if you’re learning French, audios and weekly French lessons staring in October.

You can sign up for all the activities or just some of them.

For more details on our French learning and integration objectives, please check the specifics of GE-visIci 2024-2025 program.

Your instructors and teachers:

Your instructors and teachers are qualified professionals in their field (guides and/or J+S instructors for sports activities, and teachers for French). They have experience working with children and young people. We require their Special excerpt form criminal records. The supervision ratio for outdoor sports activities is at least 1:6.

In some Saturday’s discovery activities we collaborate with other association. We also ask external instructor to provide us with their Special excerpt.

Quality control and partnerships:

All sports activities that we offer are J+S approved. Camps comply with the « Commitments for Quality Camps ». As a partner of Espas, we apply their recommendations on abuse prevention.

Can you enroll?

To register you must live in the canton of Geneva and be between 7 and 16 years old.

Some places are reserved for those who, like you, are learning French, and others for those who speak it.

How to enroll?

Choose your activity and enroll. Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive a link to complete a form that will enable us to offer you a quality welcome, and if necessary access to our LMS.

If your situation might allow situational discounts, please contact your SW, or contact us directly. Special discounts may be granted on a case-by-case basis depending on the participant’s situation; these must be explicitly requested and justified..

For its first edition in 2022-2023, this program was carried out with the support of the Republic and Canton of Geneva and Swiss Solidarity.

Armoiries République et Canton de Genève

Register now:

You can register for GE-visIci activities on our new website dedicated to registrations.

A bientôt!

*For transmissions involving the sending of personal data (other than your e-mail address), we use an encrypted mailbox (protonmail) and store your data offline. We do this to maximize the confidentiality of your personal data, at least on our side.

We also invite you to choose a data-friendly or encrypted mailbox for sending your personal data.